Welcome back, alumni! Colegio Internacional de Caracas is dedicated to keeping our graduates and community connected with one another. We hope that this site will be helpful to you in your efforts to keep in touch with former classmates and that you will explore our site to learn about upcoming events, alumni news, and ways that you can support CIC.
In most notable schools, the alumni population is an important part of the community and future planning. It is the goal of CIC to continue to develop connections with past students and to share the successes within our community with the rest of the world. We are encouraging you to get connected with the school via Instagram, Facebook, newsletters, or with a periodic visit to campus.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you around the campus, and when possible, please contact us at CIC so that we can keep track of what you are doing! Also, if you need a transcript, want to connect with a former teacher or classmate, or want to refer a potential employee or student, simply give us a call or send us an email found at the bottom of the main web page.